Friday 1 July 2016


The satisfaction of a place you can call your own truly is priceless. It doesn't only provide you security but also for your loved ones in generations to come, Becoming a landlord is now easy,simple and affordable so don't let this opportunity pass you by. Cease this opportunity NOW and become a landlord at Reliance Home.
What can be amazing when your environment is serene,secured and free from the hustling and bustling of the noisy town; When the estate has a perimeter fence, ideally mapped out,free from thugs,when you can commence building when its convenient for you?
Other benefits include: Recreation facilities, few kilometers away from Asaba International Airport, Government approved survey plan,direct link to d express and no hidden charges.
Price: N350k
Remember a man with no land has no inheritance
Contact Joy Joseph- 08032968924


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